Thursday, 12 May 2016

Its dark....!

Night time visit to site to count the Nightingales...they are reputed to sing at the dark....I have read this...I have been told this....

How many were!

As that bloke on the Royals said...Night-ingales my arse!

Not even a Tawny Owl....will have another go later in the week....


  1. What time did you go Graham? We were down at the pits on 2 different nights last weekend around midnight and they were pretty much all singing! Over the years we have noticed that they seem to have a few hours rest after sundown and pipe up again after that.
    Victoria (and David)

    1. Hi V.... :)
      i was down there at 10pm for about half an hour...not a peep... :( ....never aiming to go back tonight....may have to postpone till a bit later this guessing they were on down time, having a kip...

  2. I hope they sing for you tonight. There really is nothing like it, hearing only nightingale song in the dark. The sound travels so you should be able to hear them singing near and far. They were singing when we arrived at 11.30pm, so perhaps if you try 11 they'll have started. Enjoy :-)
