0915 - 1115 sunny, chilly, NE f2-4
Its good and bad really, no work mean no money...but...it does mean a few visits to Whetsted....and to show the good outweighs the bad its interesting what you miss when you arent there....here are the things I would have missed....
3 Chiffchaff...all the migrants are charging across Europe right now!!
4 Stock Dove
6 Little Egret....the most I have ever seen there...where did they come from?
1 Water Rail....havent seen one or heard one for quite some time....
300 Black-headed Gull
4 Common Gull
4 Herring Gull
1 Goldeneye.....where did the other two go overnight....hopefully they will be back....
Loads of Fieldfare were calling from one of the copses of trees but couldnt count or see much as was looking in to the sun....
At least 3 Buzzards (2 displaying)...though probably more.....
A Sparrowhawk, calling and diving, and a Kestrel were also nice to see as birds of prey have also been absent recently...
Not bad for a 2 hour walk