Saturday, 19 December 2015

Who gives a sh*t anyway

What a week or two....Dave and George...who votes for these clowns....

In the same week the people of the planet decide on a new plan to combat climate change the announcement of fracking being allowed under National Parks is released....

The people of the planet decided nothing of course...big business decided....government cronies decided...and lets be honest....who really thinks any of it will happen or work...?

Which particular version of fracking is going to help us achieve these new levels of climate chage that are...well....I would say demanded...but thats, lets say....jokingly put forward.  Lets face it, very little will actually be done....and bl**dy amazing....

Why is it amazing...well..its not amazing in the sense that it wont be a surprise that in a few years loads of executive types will be flying around the world again to decide that, well, we may have missed the 2 degrees target, but hey, 3....yeah....not such a bad thing to aim at....

....and the other amazing...well....Dave (Captain U-turn) and George (grin and it will all be ok) have been rattling the electorates cage for a good number of years about how we cant allow our grandchildren  to suffer (a great guilt trip that the electorate have fallen for), apparently, our mistakes over the finances of this country (these mistakes can actually be traced back many years) to the finances...Dave and George said they would sort it in five years, the last parliament, and why would they get voted back in....who knows...anyway....make the electorate think they are doing something constructive....

....meantimne...apparently, the planet and any other species can go to hell in a hand grandchildren will be debt free (please dont believe this, they will be paying debt like we are paying debt thanks to our parents and their parents, this didnt start with us) but at the same time the planet will be, thats all good news then.....fiscally and human population rich, but flora and fauna poor....

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