Saturday 28 December 2019

Nice start...

Ringing....0700 - 1000

Its been a pretty poor winter so far....lots of rain has kept me away from the nets for a add to this it remains warm rather than cold....very few frosts have turned up so far and as the ground is wet the winter thrushes have access to food out in the fields....

Today the first round counted 13 birds...and that was it....but at least this fantastic Sparrowhawk turned up in the net...they sure keep you on your toes!!

Small, compact, neat…..all this means its a male....

...look at all those chestnut fringes on the feathers...a juvenile born this year...

...fabulous hearts on the chest....but the eyes are menacing....

...and this is what happens when one Sparrowhawk gets hold of breakfast....probably a Blackbird...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,could you please send a few of your cold weather water fowl across to New Hythe.Nice Sparrowhawk,all the best for the New Year.
