Thursday, 16 February 2017

This is what you get....

...when you go looking for a bird...

Nothing.  Multplied by three on todays occasion. 

A trip to Dungeness to try for Bewicks Swan on Walland Marsh....gone missing......Long-eared Owl...possibly there but if it was it was so deep in the Willow it couldn't be seen....and Purple Sandpiper out at Hythe....gone missing......

One good thing today was the number of Guillemots out on the sea....lots....and a few Razorbills....a few Red Throated Divers zoomed past.....the number of Gannets was reduced from the last time I was present but it was quite a bit calmer today.....

The Ring-necked Duck was still there...and a Great Egret at the ARC pit along with a Marsh Harrier...Water Rails screamed regularly.....I also got Little Egret and Grey Heron there...

I was told the Arctic Gull was still there but I couldn't find it and the gulls were quite shifty a lot of the time, regularly it was quite difficult to keep working through the, at some times, huge flock on the beach.....


  1. Were the water rails squealing heard along the footpath to ARC Hide, Graham ?

    1. James, I went to the screen, but as they were to the right of the screen they would no doubt have been heard from the footpath to the hide...
