Friday, 8 July 2016

One day day....

...well.....who knows whats going on....out of todays blustery wind it was quite the wind it was quite cool....the sun tried but eventually refused to come through.....on the brighter side of things...Mark Cavandish is doing mega in the Tour....

0900 - 1100 Overcast, somewhat brightening, warm/cool SW f2-4

A quiet visit really....its July, its the dead month for birds....all the initial activity of the last few months is over and its, for many, a steady progress toward migration...yes...already thinking about migration...days are shortening...nearly Christmas and all that....Winter draws on....

Enough already...the height of Summer is upon us....I hope....glorious hot days ahead (Im going to Spain for those!)....

Didnt really register much....the songster of the day was Blackcap....Yellowhammers were at it too with occasional Chiffchaff although they were more calling than singing....occasional Whitethroat joined in....Buzzards called....30 Herring Gull were in the field and a Lesser Black-backed Gull was 'hunting' over the pits....

Swift swifted around low, relating to the coolness...a couple of House Martin joined them.

Heres a few pictures to brighten the post....

Common Centaury, Centaurium erythraea

Large Red Slug, Arion rufus

Black Slug, Arion ater

1 comment:

  1. Only the Dragons and butterflies to keep us amused for now Graham.......if the sun comes out!
