...can only get better....!
Things can only get better, P Cunnah, J Petrie (D-ream)
Well I think I can say the weather has been particularly underpants the last few days...im sure its not been much or any different here...but me...I was in Norfolk for a break....good grief! A right howling hoolie and driving rain...
...and a completely rubbish bird list to boot too...
Kestrel, Whitethroat, Linnet, Goldfinch, Buzzard, Magpie, Rock Pipit, Skylark, Canada Geese, Herring Gull, Greater Black Back Gull, Fulmar, House Sparrow, Woodpigeon, Chiffchaff, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Grey Partridge, Pied Wagtail, Red Legged Partridge, Crow, Feral Pigeon, Swift, Starling, Black Headed Gull, Swallow, Jackdaw, House Martin.....
....sort of saved by Fulmar and the Partridges....but other than that....rubbish, more so as there was Great White Egret around....Red-backed Shrike...Icterine Warbler.....
I suppose another saviour, unexpectedly...was Muntjac Deer.....I was more expecting it to be Hare....but there you go...
Well, it looks like holidays will be away in the sun from now on....sod this for a game of soldiers (I wonder what that means?)....
It really is sh*t aint it Graham!