NO, not a new species....just a new site for Nightingale. Most, as you know, are sited toward the eastern end of the pits...I heard one around the western pits, the small one covered in, what turns out to be, Cressula...
Yes....its Cressula.....again!!
....a couple of weeks ago....perhaps it was prospecting as I heard it a couple of days and then it seemed to be quiet as I expected. But today, its back and was in reasonable song considering the time of day I was there.
Warbler count
Chiffchaff 20
Whitethroat 8
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Blackcap 11
Garden Warbler 3
Willow Warbler 4
Not a complete walk around today. Was more interested in trying to get better pictures of some of the plants already identified and to see if I could find some more.....but first....the best of the rest of the birds...
6 Buzzards were enjoying themselves at the eastern end of the site and gradually wheeling west. A few Swallow and Swift were around and the Cuckoo was quite mobile though, again, no siting. The Mistle Thrush was in the usual field and a Lesser Whitethroat was seen carrying food. The only significant birds on the water really was 1 Shoveler and 3 Mandarin, all males. No sign of the female so perhaps she is sitting on eggs?
And some plants....first...I found some Crosswort, Cruciata leavipes, at the western end of the I found this at the eastern end on the way in...looks the same to me....
...and here is the amount at the western end of the pits....pretty impressive...
Yellow Flag Iris, Iris pseudacorus
I managed to find identifications for these next two myself though I got them confirmed by someone who is better at plants than me!
Spotted Medick, Medicago arabica
Grass Vetchling, Lathyrus nissolia
...and this one I reckoned was in the Pea family....which turns out to be correct....
Hairy Tare, Vicia hirsuta
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