Flowers In The Rain, Roy Wood (The Move)
The world of plants...mostly beyond me....sometimes I can get them in to a family but to identify most...I reckon it has to be a lifetime of dedication and I admire those that can and I usually end up asking them!
Having accidentally come across THAT invader...Cressula....quite by accident you may remember when I took a picture of another plant I needed to identify...which ended up as Water Plantain....with that in mind, and thinking I would go and take a better picture of the Water Dock, off I went a few days ago and took a few more too...including finding a fabulous plant that was either never there before or, more likely, I have just never we go....
The first one automatically raises a question...why is it flowering in Spring....?
Winter Cress, Barbarea vulgaris
...and the answer...its also called Yellow Rocket....its edible...apparently it grows vigorously during warm winter periods and gets its name from the fact it can be eaten on St Barbara's Day which is in December....I could only locate one plant....I dont think I will be stopping by for a quick bite..!
This next one is quite widespread over a few areas of the site and mostly appears as a sort of black/grey carpet....this IS one I have noticed and wondered what it I finally stopped to look..
Changing Forget-me-not, Myosotis discolor
Now for a bit of silliness....on my part....I wasnt thinking and really, I have seen this before and first identified it, from the flower, several years ago.....but just having the leaf, which occurs after the flower I wasnt really giving it any thought...
Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara
Heres one, that sort of falls in to the category of 'another little pink/purple flowery thing'....what a heathen I can be....!
Doves-foot Cransbill, Geranium molle
On to some depressing news....cast your mind back, not far, just up a bit....Cressula....whilst I was taking better pictures of the Water Dock and finding that Winter Cress at the same time...this plant, below, was surrounding vast amounts....and...yes...
New Zealand Swamp Cress, Cressula helmsii
The above is in the silt pit at the eastern end of the the western end of the site one of the small pits has this carpet....which the Coots and Moorhens wander quite happily when the water levels drop.... definite identification for it...but it may well be the time im over there I will try and get a closer picture....
Onward....yellow flowers that arent Dandelions....we all know those, but then these others start turning up....
Mouse-ear Hawksweed sp
...and another one.....but not the one above...and, rather happily, at least I knew it was a Hawksbeard!
Beaked Hawksbeard, Crepis vesicaria
So, your question, as mine, is whats 'beaked' about it....apparently that comes later in the season...
Lastly....and this is a rather fabulous plant that, next time, I will try and get a better picture of....this is on the bank of the stream at the edge of a field...ive seen the farmer happily spraying in to the ditch hoping neither side of the ditch gets cut and curtails this plant.....
Crosswort, Cruciata laevipes
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