Saturday, 17 February 2024

Morocco Trip

 10 - 17 February....a trip to I need to tell you about the weather....ok then...

Early mornings this time of year are chilly, definitely jumper weather and long trousers.  My sandals couldnt stop my toes from being cold....and im not a lover of wet or cold toes!!

View to the Atlas...earliest I have been to this area, so snow is a bonus! the morning progresses it becomes lovely and warm...25 degreees by the afternoon....fantastic....the last full day was 28 degrees....way above cold, grey, damp and miserable UK.

The week was divided between driving from Ouarzazate, where I flew in to, over the Atlas to Ourika for a couple of days....then back to a small village called Tikirte a few miles outside Ouarzazate.

Actually, it wasnt a totally birding holiday, more a bit of a get away just to....get away.  Personal circumstances having somewhat done my head in over the past few months.

But...back to the birds, which is what this blog is about....

There were certainly some highlights for me....a few new lifers as well....

THE highlight of the trip was driving in to the lower Atlas and seeing 150 Black Kite circling, gradually gaining height, to go over the mountains.  Many were already high up, others quite low.  Mass migration, like this, is something I have never seen.  Huge numbers of birds of prey cross from Africa to Europe near Gibralter as its narrow crossing with no ability to find thermals to climb, so all climbing is done before the short crossing either way.

Rock Sparrow was another highlight.  A lifer.  Just over the top of the Atlas mountains, having passed Tichka.  Fabulous.  In breeding plummage they show a small yellow patch under the chin at the top of the breast, it was a bit windy and chilly, so they were not overly keen to stand upright to show this patch.  Luckily the wind would occasionally catch their feathers and give a brief glimpse of the yellow underneath.

Levaillants Green Woodpecker.....some birds you just arent expecting.  This was a total surprise.  I just happened to catch a bird drop to the ground in a small grove of Olive trees, it disappeared from view as the ground was quite undulating and some of it had been ploughed.  


Initially I thought it was a Green Woodpecker, but a few seconds observation definitely did not look like your average Green Woodpecker.  A great find indeed.  Very exciting.

Moussiers Redstart.  Ive been chasing this bird since I started coming to Morocco  a few years ago.  This was my first encounter with not one...but after a few days....two...birds.  But...infuriating...all I got was quick glimpses.  And the bird was gone.  I spent a few hours meandeting the fields and searching to try to re-find both birds on two occasions....but to no avail.  It was great to finally see one....but....yes it counts...but...I will certainly be looking for better views next time out.

Almond blossom

Beautiful colours of Morocco...

The list, seen before in lifer....

Black Kite, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel.....


Common Snipe, Corn Bunting.....

Corn Bunting

Barn Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Feral Pigeon, Collared Dove, Cattle Egret, Crested Lark, Linnet, Hoopoe, Red-billed Chough, African Chaffinch, Rock Sparrow, White-crowned Wheatear....

White-crowned Wheatear

Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Stonechat, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Sardinian Warbler, Levaillants Green Woodpecker, Alpine Chough, White Stork....

White Stork

Black Redstart, Moussiers Redstart, Great Grey Shrike, Thekla Lark, Common Redstart, Laughing Dove, Rock Dove, Alpine Chough, Sparrowhawk, Black Wheater, White Wagtal (Alba), Serin, Cettis Warbler, Spotless Starling, Blue Tit, Green Sandpiper


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