Tuesday 5 May 2020


0415 - 0615 cool but warming, partly cloudy, E f1-2

The best time of day...is sunrise....



Today was about two things initially.....repatriating this Great Lettuce.....

Great Lettuce

Great Lettuce

Some may recall I rescued a plant from the farmers heavy hand...he...or she....had chopped down a line of these plants along the driveway....so I decided a rescue attempt was needed to save these magnificent plants....they can tower around 7 feet when fully grown...one of its other names is 'opium lettuce'....yes, its a drug....!....anyway....I planted it in my garden and over the past couple of years has self-seeded....last winter I collected some seeds to make sure I had a couple to take back to site....

I have planted them not too far away from where I collected the original plant, but hopefully in a place where it will be left alone and able to flourish….my plan is to continue to return some plants over the next couple of years in different places near by....

So...with that done....

I wanted to figure out how many and where the Nightingales were finally located.....14 today....will need a few more early visits as need to check out a couple of other areas early morning....just to make sure....but its looking like a record year and I'm hoping the final count will be at least 15....

There were plenty of other warblers sounding off as well....Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat.....

The great surprise today was Cuckoos....how many are on site?  I can usually find...or hear...a couple of males calling during my visits....but this morning was Cuckoo explosion....

I have found one male must roost near East Pit as if I am there at first light he is always calling....todays surprise was the male calling...but a bubbling female in the area...the rarely heard bubbling call is amazing....I haven't heard this for a few years and I cant recall hearing it at all at Whetsted...obviously they are here but always hard to find....this morning there were 3 males in the air over the pit, possibly seeing who was best boy...meantime the female burbled from cover....several times....

This Broom is in full flower and can be found at the Paddocks....


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